Helping Homeowners Find Solutions

At Fresh Start Solutions, we specialize in foreclosures with over 40 years of experience in Broward County, Florida. Our team is dedicated to working directly with you, the homeowner, as well as on your behalf with your bank to navigate the complexities of the foreclosure process. We also aren't those wholesalers that can only give you a low ball offer and assign your home to an unknown investor. We understand that each situation is unique, which is why we offer a variety of tailored solutions, including Cash for Keys and Lease Options. Our expertise ensures that we can provide you with the best possible outcomes, helping you move forward with confidence. Whether you’re facing financial challenges or seeking opportunities in the real estate market, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

white car near white and brown house
white car near white and brown house

At our organization, we want to clarify that we are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice. Our focus is not on offering mortgages or any financial products of that nature. Instead, we aim to provide information, alternative solutions and resources that may assist individuals in understanding their options and making informed decisions. It’s essential for our clients to seek professional guidance when it comes to legal matters or financial services such as mortgages.